I recently realized that I hadn't showcased any Panasonic models even though I have a few! I know I fixed some before starting this blog/YouTube, and I've been more focused on Sony and Sharp models with a Kenwood thrown in once. Here's a fun one, then! The Panasonic SJ-MR230, affectionately called the "answering machine" for those that know what those are... It was a nice solid, chunky player that came with a dock and speakers (powered by the adapter going into the dock) that surprisingly aren't terrible considering how small (and old!) they are. It was released in late 2002 as a smaller, non-NetMD sibling to the SJ-MR250. This particular model was sold as "working when docked" and yes, it was working, but there was a problem... the face buttons, specifically the Stop/Play/Pause and Fwd/Rev buttons were SUPER sensitive where brushing the surface of them would cause the player to pause/play or skip tracks. This can happen as older models get dirt or ...