YouTube MiniDisc Repair - 370 yen Sharp MD-DR7 Unconfirmed Junk or Fixable?

Many of you (OK, the handful of you) that watch or read my stuff know I have a soft spot for Sharp MD devices, especially the MD-DR7 (my favorite is my blue one!)!

Browsing around on Yahoo Japan Auctions (via Buyee), I placed a bid on this nearly complete (missing the dock) Sharp MD-DR7 (late 2002) in silver that was unconfirmed. I woke up the next morning with a debit to my PayPal and I had won it for the low price of 370 yen!

Now to see if it works... 

The Sharp MD-DR7 (late 2002), as many of you may know, is one of my favorite Sharp MDLP recorders. It's a great-looking compact recorder and was Sharp's (the world's?) first portable MD recorder with a 1-bit digital amp AKA Sharp's Auvi/Delta Sigma amplifier. To get the maximum benefit you had to use Sharp's included balanced headphones or source your own 3.5mm balanced cable (not common).

I'm a sucker for these quirky Sharps and I won this one on an auction for just 370 yen! It was basically complete except for the charging dock. It came with the remote, AA sidecar, original balanced earphones, and a Sony stereo mic. I had to take a chance on it!

After some quick troubleshooting, the initial issue was clear, but since this is a Sharp, we still need to make sure it plays and records!

Stay tuned until the end, because I have to decide what to do with this thing... 

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Chapter markers

00:00 - beginning 

0:08 - auction listing

0:24 - battery door stuck

1:11 - power testing

1:46 - lots of battery contact cleaning

4:58 - testing - gumstick

7:02 - disassembly - top lid

7:38 - internal cleaning

8:05 - lube

9:57 - reassembly - top lid

11:18 - clean AA sidecar

12:30 - testing - AA sidecar

13:07 - testing - output

14:00 - testing - recording

15:55 - final testing

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